I was tired of interior design business owners feeling like they are in it alone.

 I recognized that it can be a lonely landscape when designers choose to keep their ideas, resources, and skills tight-lipped.  

Whether you are just starting to think about launching your own business or you’ve been in it a few years now, as interior designers it’s easy to get wrapped up in the overwhelm of trying to get it all right.

I see you. You’re in the right place.

Interior Design Business Coaching
Interior Design Business Coach


Refill your coffee and sit a spell.

I’m a corporate drop-out. Nearly 10 years ago, I decided I was ready to leave my (once-glamorous) job at a large architecture firm practicing commercial interior design.

After the birth of my first kid, something shifted in me and I knew I needed a change.

I wasn’t cut out for the grind of the 50-hour workweek fueled by shitty coffee and chit-chat.  If my child was sick, I needed to clear my calendar without repercussion. 

After saving and working on a business plan for about a year, I finally took the leap and started my own interior design business.

With a few emails sent to friends and colleagues, I had a list of new clients that grew from prospects to repeat clients in just the first year.

With zero advertising dollars spent I had grown a six-figure company that ran solely on word of mouth. 

I took what I had learned in design school along with my experience working with luxury interior designer Rachel Mast and then commercial design with OZ Architecture. Then I made it my own. 

Maybe you’re thinking I must have grown up going to great schools with parents who pushed me to aim for the stars. Or had a husband that provided me the financial opportunity to just go for it. 

Well my friend, none of that is true. The reality was, I was raised by a single mom who did her best to keep a roof over our heads. At one point in my life I was homeless without any idea what to do next.  

Loooooong story short, I waded through my 20’s surviving drug and alcohol abuse, toxic relationships, and heartache. 

Turn the page and I get a second chance.

After college, I packed a backpack (literally that’s it) and moved to Denver in the summer of 2009. I clawed my way through the recession, got a job, and met the love of my life…now-husband…Michael.  We had a baby and got married (in that order) and it was time to start my own business.

Together my (extraordinarily supportive) husband and I made ends meet in the beginning. There was no trust fund or high-earning spouse funding my endeavors. That was 100% me.

Why am I telling you this? It’s simple. If you continue to hang out with me (and you should because I think you’re pretty awesome) here is what you can expect from me. 

You can expect compassion, motivation, no-nonsense business advice, and a few F-bombs. 

The one thing you will never get from me is tolerance for excuses.

I’m Kate

I get it.

I’ve engaged with hundreds of designers who have shared their own challenges to start and run their own businesses.

Let’s be honest, this industry is HARD!

You are in peoples’ homes, their money, and
- sometimes - their marriages.  Besides kids, there are few things people protect as fiercely as these things.

And they are literally giving us the keys.

It’s a tremendous responsibility. 

I started Designer’s Oasis because I wanted to help interior designers - like you - thrive. I’m obsessed with helping you make more money, work at a pace that feels right for you and have a roster of enthusiastic clients. 

I want to help you stand out as the incredible designer you are and showcase that special thing that only you have. 

The Proust Questionnaire…

  • Italy - For the climate, food and rustic settings.

  • Topo Chico…so bubbly

  • SEVEN! ✨👩‍🍳👩‍🌾👩‍💻🛼🎢

  • TIE! Michelle Obama or Tom Hanks

  • Being better at remembering names 🙈

  • Tight spaces

  • 90’s Country

  • jeans, white t-shirt & clogs

  • Finishing college

  • Assholes

  • ANY makeover show…Queer Eye, Dream Home Makeover, Motel Makeover, What Not to Wear…the list goes on.

Interior Design Business Coaching

Learn how to create a wildly successful interior design business that provides you with…
…more money
…better clients & projects
…and greater confidence. 

The 6-Part Framework for a Thriving Interior Design Business

Meet the Team

Operations Manager

Hello!! My name is Magen and I am the Operations Manager here at Designer’s Oasis! I enjoy helping all of our members establish, grow, and scale their businesses. I truly enjoy helping entrepreneurs streamline and scale their businesses, all while keeping up with my 3 little ones. My free time is spent curled up with a good book and a hot cup of coffee, or diving into the world of golf (our family fave!).

Customer Support Specialist

Hi there! My name is Jaclyn and I am your Customer Support Specialist here at Designer’s Oasis! When I’m not helping members navigate their way through the program, I’m supporting women entrepreneurs through my own business as an Online Business Manager. I recently moved to Austin so when I’m away from my computer, you can find me exploring the city through its’ delicious eats or scenic views (but most likely the eating part!)