#33 | 4 Ways Designer's leave money on the table

leaving money on the table - Interior design business coaching podcast

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Ask yourself, what would happen in your business if you started to take up a little more space.

If you continuously looked for ways to move the needle even in small ways a little more each and every day. Those little needle moving actions and behaviors over time add up to huge success. That’s what we’re going to jump into today to keep you from leaving money on the table.

Here’s a glance at this episode…

[03:45] I introduce the idea of taking up more space and moving the needle in your interior design business.

[04:30] I share how a follow-up strategy in your business can help create more time and make sure that deadlines, communication, and follow-ups are taken care of in a timely manner.

[09:09] I discuss what happens when you give clients only what they ask when you know you could do better for them.

[16:28] I share how to ensure you are not under-charging for your time. I talk about how to audit your projects, track your time, and make sure you are paid for your time.

[23:15] I talk about how to make sure you leave no dead-ends at the end of a project by asking for referrals, and testimonials, and making sure to wrap up the project well.

[26:00] I wrap up the episode with a few needle-moving activities to get you thinking!

Resources mentioned in this episode: 

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