# 81 | Real Talk about Managing Anxiety and Growing your Interior Design Business with Christina Canales

anxiety and interior design

"I say this time and time again, you do not need to be the smartest person in the room, you just don't." - Christina Canales

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In today's episode, Christina Canales joins me to discuss the importance of building a successful interior design business through fostering relationships with vendors and clients, and collaborating with other designers. We dive into the value of communication, mutual support, and taking back control of the sales process to navigate challenges. We share strategies for managing anxiety and impostor syndrome, including perspective-taking, reframing negative thoughts, and recognizing that these feelings are common and fixable.

Unconventional Paths

Christina and her husband Jose have a unique journey into the design industry, intertwining personal and professional endeavors. They met in college with a shared passion for art and design, but chose separate paths with Jose delving into graphic design while Christina pursued teaching. Then timing aligned and Jose launched his own venture into a branding agency and Christina found herself ready to transition too, especially with a new baby in the picture. Christina began to explore her own design interests eventually leading to collaborations with Jose's branding agency.

When Christina worked on her first significant project involving the interior design for her cousin's jewelry store, Sarah Oh, Jose's team contributed branding elements, setting the stage for future joint projects. They embraced opportunities as they came, one of which was building their office space in Austin as a testament to their design ethos. With complementary roles and a willingness to support each other, they have learned to navigate diverse projects ranging from residential to commercial, each presenting unique challenges and rewards. Christina and Jose continue to weave their passion for design into every project, creating spaces that reflect not only their clients' stories but also their own journey as partners in both life and business.

Entrepreneurship and Team Building

Christina and Jose found themselves at a pivotal moment while juggling parenthood, homeschooling, and the demands of their respective careers and they realized that their design business needed a new level of focus and dedication. With a shared vision and a willingness to confront their weaknesses head-on, they began a journey to elevate their business, particularly in the realm of interior design.

They identified areas where they lacked proficiency and actively sought out individuals who could fill those gaps. For Christina, this meant acknowledging her strengths in design while acknowledging her limitations in technical aspects like CAD and SketchUp. Christina chose to surround herself with expertise and they began assembling a team that complemented their skills. All of this is possible through the ability and power of self-awareness and strategic planning in business growth. By confronting our weaknesses, seeking support, and seizing opportunities for expansion, you become more able to handle the challenges of entrepreneurship with resilience and determination.

Their strategic approach to team building underscores the importance of acknowledging one's weaknesses and surrounding oneself with individuals who excel in those areas. By leveraging each team member's strengths, Christina and Jose have been able to streamline their operations, enhance client satisfaction, and establish effective communication channels with architects and construction teams.

Handling Anxiety

Christina shared her struggles with anxiety which resonates with many creatives who grapple with feelings of impostor syndrome and overwhelm. Through open communication with her husband and a commitment to authenticity, she shares that she finds solace in activities like pottery and walking, which serve as grounding practices during challenging times. By normalizing discussions around mental health and prioritizing self-care, we can normalize resilience and vulnerability in the pursuit of personal and professional growth.

Anxiety is a normal response to the increasing demands of modern life and we should highligh the need to readjust expectations and embrace resilience-building tools. Christina shared her decision to focus on living an “unoffended” life for a year and the transformative power of adopting a non-judgmental mindset. The impact it had on her relationships and overall well-being has allowed Christina to form genuine connections and combat feelings of isolation in the design community. There is so much value in reaching outside one's comfort zone, seeking support, and prioritizing mental health in the pursuit of professional success and personal fulfillment.

Continuous learning and self-improvement is so important as you continue to grow your interior design business. There is a transformative power of learning in shaping perspectives and driving personal and professional growth.

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