#10 | How to Build a Strong Relationship with your Contractor

Building a Relationship with your Contractor - Interior design business coaching podcast

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The relationship you have with your contractor needs to be one that is built on trust, mutual respect, and excellent communication. 

Today’s episode is all about building a successful relationship with your contractor and how many benefits this may lead to. 

Every project is going to have its road bumps. When you have a great relationship with a contractor with open, honest dialogue those moments will feel more like little speed bumps than giant potholes that cause a flat tire. The result is smoother projects and happier clients.

In this episode, we answer questions like…

  1. How do you find contractors that are at the caliber you want to be working with?

  2. How do you get off on the right foot?

  3. How do you maintain a great relationship with your contractor? One that is built on trust, mutual respect, and excellent communication. 

  4. Why does this really matter and how it can impact your design projects?

Here’s a glance at this episode…

[03:33] How do you find a great contractor? I dive into the several ways to find a great contractor who also works at the same caliber as you in terms of clients.

[05:59] Once you have done your relationship, it’s time to start establishing a relationship. I share a few of my tips to make sure that you can get started on the right foot.

[10:30] I share my thoughts on how to maintain that great relationship with your contractor once you’ve spent time establishing it. I share my tips straight from 2 of the contractors that I truly enjoy working with.

[14:34] Referrals! New information I have learned recently about referrals and liability that may come with your referrals (and how to avoid this!)

Resources mentioned in this episode:

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#11 | Managing Client Expectations During Renovation


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