How to define your interior design services

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Having clearly defined design services is paramount to running an efficient and organized business.

It not only helps you get clear on the details such as the deliverables, the investment, and the timeline, but it also helps you to talk about your services to your clients with clarity and confidence. 

And let’s be honest, confidence is what we’re after here right? 

You can also use the details to help you put together those very important client deliverables such as your Services & Investment Guide or your welcome package. 

In this episode, we answer questions like…

  1. Have you ever struggled to explain the differences in your interior design services to potential new clients? 

  2. Do you have a clear picture of the benefits and results of each service and what type of client might be the best fit? 

  3. Do you sometimes wonder if you have enough offerings? Or - more likely - offer too many services? Does everyone on your team know and understand the differences in your services? 

Here’s a glance at this episode…

[03:00] I dive into the importance of documenting and organizing the details of the services you offer and why it’s important that everyone on your team has a clear way to access and use this information.[05:05] How to name your service (quick tip: keep it simple!)

[06:40] I talk about how to describe each service, what it entails, and how to clearly define what you are offering. I also discuss how to lay out what is NOT included, how you will communicate with your client, and how you will make sure this is all clear from the start.

[13:20] I share how to plan out timelines for each project and set up timeframes for the design services you will be offering. 

[16:13] How to set up your terms for your different offerings. Minimum fees, travel times,  and how to book your services.

Resources mentioned in this episode: 

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#5 | How to Create a Successful Client Welcome Packet


#3 | 3 Ways to Serve Your Clients so they Become Natural Evangelists for your Work