follow up strategy

Follow up is probably the least favorite part of running a business for many business owners. No one I’ve ever spoken to enjoys doing it, and I can’t say I love it. But you know what my best advice for you is? Embrace it. Why? 👇

Follow up is proven to double your business. -> 

Let that sink in. DOUBLE.

Following up with prospective clients is essential.

I remember when I was first starting out in business, it felt so personal when I didn’t hear back from a client after I sent a proposal. All the negative self-talk started to whisper…

“You’re too expensive.”
”You didn’t make a great first impression.”
”They don’t think you’re a good fit".”

But the truth is, people get busy, they may need to talk to a spouse, look at a calendar, or wait on some event/timeline to pass (i.e. close on a house), etc. before they can make a commitment. Don’t take it personally.

As soon as I committed to a follow-up strategy, my business soared. Simple mindset shifts took the sting out of following up and it became a simple routine in my business.

Here are 5 strategies to improve your follow-up process.

STRATEGY #1: Shift your Mindset -> Remember you are Helping Someone 

If you start to feel the ‘ick’ when it’s time to follow up with a potential client after you have sent a proposal, remember your role and purpose. You are providing a service that is helpful and solves a problem. And what you’re offering is valuable.

I know when I first started my business, asking for money for design services felt very transactional. I hated doing it. But, imagine for a moment, what your prospective client’s experience would be like without your help. How frustrated or lost might they feel?

A likely scenario is that they continue living in a dark, dated, disorganized home that leaves them feeling blah. They’ll also probably lose time, money, and sleep trying to DIY their own project. 

Bottom line:

Approach follow up as an act of service.

STRATEGY #2: Remember People are Busy 

Our ideal Clients are busy; otherwise, they probably wouldn’t need us! Some of my favorite clients took months to get from the initial consultation to kick-starting their projects. Between work, family, social lives, volunteering, and perhaps travel, people are busy and appreciate the check-in. Don’t let radio silence be and excuse to not follow up.

Bottom line:

Don’t take silence personally.

STRATEGY #3: Keep the Momentum 

Statistically, the sooner you follow up, the more likely you are to get a yes.

You don’t want to wait 4, 5, 6+ days to check in with a client.  While there isn’t an exact science (see #4) to the follow-up formula, letting a potential lead linger greatly diminishes the likelihood of converting them to a client.  

Bottom line:

Always keep the ball moving.

STRATEGY #4:  Follow up is Nuanced

I wish I could tell you there is an exact science to the method, timing, frequency, and tone of follow up conversations. The reality is, it is nuanced.

Consider how energized a client is: Are they a “hot” lead, lukewarm, or cool? That can and should influence the way you follow up with them.

Think about why they need more time. Do they need to speak with a spouse? Close on a new home? Circle back when they return from vacation? These factors can and should influence your timing and follow up methods.

Generally, I will follow up 1, 3, and 5 days after a proposal is sent.  

Bottom line:

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach.

STRATEGY #5: Have a System for Remembering to Follow Up

I’ve been guilty of getting so busy with existing clients (or any of the other thousands of aspects of running a business/raising a family) that I forget to follow up with prospective clients. It happens. But I know if I have a follow-up system, I’m 100x more likely to stick with it and keep leads from slipping through the cracks. 

Here are the two systems I have used in my business: 

#1 Paper Method

Pro: Free, Start today 

Con: Must remember to reference and use it regularly.

Why I like it: It keeps all of my leads in one prominent location vs in emails or some other place collecting digital dust. 

How it works: 

  1. Create a physical folder you keep on your desk called “Client Leads.”

  2. The top page inside my folder is a “New Leads Worksheet” to help me track my conversations.

  3. For every prospective client, I staple together the following:

    • New Client Intake Form - This is my note-taking sheet I use when on a Discovery Call. (You can read about and download here).

    • Printout of their Questionnaire - Their answers to questionnaire completed to book a Discovery Call with me.

  4. Every time I follow up with a client, I make a note of the date, method (i.e. phone/email) and what the call to action was. 

  5. Use a reminders app (or Google Calendar, Asana, etc.) to remind yourself when it’s time to follow up. 

#2 Digital Method with Dubsado 

Pro: Automated and connected to the proposal, contract, and invoice.

Con: Costs money and takes some time to get set up (but SO worth it in the long run). 

Why I like it: Honestly, this could be its own post. I now use Dubsado in place of the paper method. With Dubsado, I can keep everything on track from booking Discovery Calls and consultations to sending proposals and contracts and collecting payments. PLUS I can easily send follow up emails every step of the way. 

Here are 3 of my favorite features:

1. Dubsado automatically categorizes contacts based on their “Project Status”. 

2. I have an entire library of “Canned Emails” I can send depending on the scenario. Each one is standardized, but I can customize it to make it more personal before it is sent. 

3. I have workflows set up that remind me to send emails based on specified triggers (these can also be set to send automatically). 

screenshot of workflows set up in Dubsado - 5 Follow Up Strategies to Get More Interior Design Clients

I promise I would never plug a program or product I didn’t use and love, but Dubsado has been a no-brainer for me.  If you think it would be a good fit for your business, you can get 20% off your first month/year with this link or use code designersoasis20

Note: When you buy something using the links we provide, we may earn a small commission at no cost to you. We only link products we actually use and recommend. Your purchases help keep us keep the blog going. Thank you!

Are you ready to embrace the art of the follow up? You’re the boss. No one’s going to do it for you. But it doesn’t have to feel icky or be the worst part of your day, especially with the tips and strategies I just mentioned. I promise. It gets easier!


Should you Pay for Advertising in Your Interior Design Business?


PSA: Your Contract is NOT your Proposal