# 95 | Navigating High Point Market with Marisa Wilson

Welcome to the Designers Oasis podcast. I'm your host, Kate Bendewald. If you're tired of one-size-fits-all all advice to running your interior design business, you're in the right place. Join me each week as we dive into topics to help you run a thriving interior design business. Without the hustle. We'll talk about the business of design, but also mindset and mental health because I know when you thrive, so will your life and business. It wasn't that long ago that I stepped away from my corporate interior design job to build my own design business so that I could realize my own creative dreams, have more time with the people I love, and serve my clients at the highest level, while making more money than I ever could have working for someone else. It wasn't always easy, and I made my share of mistakes along the way. Fast forward to today. And I've learned a thing or two. Since then I've built multiple six-figure interior design businesses on authentic word-of-mouth referrals with many repeat clients. And I want to share it all with you the ambitious, inspired, and I get it occasionally overwhelmed interior designer who shares this dream of transforming lives through the art of interior design, You can do this. Thank you for letting me spend part of this day with you. Let's get to it.

Kate Bendewald

Marissa Wilson is the creator of the cool Girls Guide to high point, a fun and insightful resource designed to help designers navigate the expansive High Point market, the guide offers insider tips must visit showrooms, and advice from industry leaders, making it the go to for anyone attending the event, which covers a massive 12 million square feet of showroom space. In addition to the guide, Marisa runs Marisa Wilson interior design her Charlotte based residential design firm. She is known for her playful yet thoughtful design approach, aiming to make the process enjoyable for her clients. Marissa all says reputation for blending creativity with practicality, helping people create spaces that truly reflect their personalities. Please welcome Marisa to the podcast. Hi, good morning.

Marisa Wilson

Hi, good morning. So nice to be here.

Kate Bendewald

I am so thrilled to have you. So I met you last spring. At High Point, you were moderating a panel at the Odette showroom, and first I fell in love with your adorable, sweet, bubbly personality, and that was so much fun, I didn't even hurt that we were in my favorite showroom of the whole event. Personally, the Odette showroom shout out to them was was really inspirational. So was the topic. We were talking about, science and design. And so I when we were done, I waited and I waited and I waited till you were done talking to everybody, and I went and tapped you on the shoulder. I was like, hi, I want to be your friend. Can we talk and while you come? Oh, I love that. And so here we are, welcome.

Marisa Wilson

Yay, thanks.

Kate Bendewald

I wanted to bring you on because I was so intrigued by your cool Girls Guide to high point. And I know for my audience, I have a lot of designers who are new to the industry, and they are super interested in going to high point, but like me, they're a little over well or intimidated by the size of this massive event. And so when they ask me for tips and advice, I've only been once because i Hello, do not love large crowds, and I had before I went, I had a much different impression of what it would be like. It was actually much more approachable. But I always, now that I've learned about you, I always tell them, go check out Maurice's cool Girls Guide to high point. But I wanted to bring you in because I wanted to hear directly from you. What are your tips and advice on navigating this market we've got, by the time this airs, we'll have about two weeks before our next fall market. But as you know, the content will still be relevant, because it happens every spring and every fall, and so that's why I brought you here.

Marisa Wilson

Amazing. Yes, it it is complete. Really intimidating, and they're very self aware that it's like too much to handle. They they have great resources. They have a market 101, webinar they just did last week. They have lots of like, guides and tours you can sign up for, especially if you're going for the first time. So they're, yeah, very aware of how big an intuition, it is, but that was really where the cool Girl's Guide to market came from. So I've been going to market for 10 years now, which is extra. It's at the anniversary of my business too, the 10 year anniversary. So I guess I was kind of going, I think I went, I started my business, and then I went to market. So you know, that was the order of events. But I had, I didn't know what the heck I was doing. Like, the first time I went, like, nobody does and but I had a blast. I like, went to all these events and, like, a couple of showrooms and things. I was in design school at the time, so, like, my professor had given me a couple of showrooms. In retrospect, they were like, you know, way too big for me to handle. These are, like, up for a level, you know,

Kate Bendewald

you're like, I'm sorry. How

Speaker 1

much does that count? Yeah, what's happening here? Okay, inspiration, inspiration, yeah, goals.

Marisa Wilson

But after that, I started, you know, I would just do it for my friends. Like, I would organize the calendar of events, I would go through everything and make a spreadsheet, and we, you know, we're going here, we're going here, like we're doing this. And we like, eventually we're like, sitting at lunch one day in Market Square, and I remember my friends were like, you could sell this. Like you should sell this. And I was like, no, what are you talking about, yeah, and so I just took a chance. And that's kind of just how it started, you know, it was like, it's 27 pages this time. It was four pages, like when I started, and it like, didn't have any, like, pictures or, you know, it was just kind of like, yeah. I just curated a calendar of events through a few, like, tips and tricks from a few designers, I will say I was really proud of it. I mean, I had an Emily Henderson, you know, gave me advice, like celery, Kimball. I went big for the first one on the very first one, the very first one, yeah, good for you.

Kate Bendewald

You've got some guts. I'm one of those people. I'm like, I need to, like, make this official and make it a thing before I start reaching out to the the big names. And you're like, No, we're just going for it.

Marisa Wilson

I know, I don't know what I was thinking, but, like, I was shocked every time they were like, Sure, here's some tips. Oh, my God. But I still get stuff or starstruck because, like, even in this year now, I do it annually. You know, like the people who give tips and advice other designers, and I, like Bobby Burke is one of my like people, and I am, like, so obsessed with him. And, like, when he said Yes, I was like, what I mean? I'm Jules kind of like

Kate Bendewald

emailing Bobby Burke right now. I think of all of those names, he seems extremely approachable. Yes,

Marisa Wilson

he is. And my friend and I had totally stopped him the market before, when he was doing he did like keynote speech, and he had done like a book signing. And sorry, I feel like I'm getting us off track. But anyhow, don't worry about

Kate Bendewald

it. Keep going with it. I have an off the tough question for you. Follow up. Okay,

Marisa Wilson

cool, yeah, no, he is so approachable, so kind. And we were just, like, just dreamy eyes over him, because he was so friendly. And I said, you know, took pictures with us and stuff, and so I used that as leverage, and I, like, sent it to his people. And I was like, Bobby and I met. Here's a photo.

Kate Bendewald

Here's the photo to prove

Marisa Wilson

it. Photo evidence. Um, would he be willing to, like, share, you know, tips, because he's it had a big impact on his career, too, and we can get into that. But, like a lot of people, a lot of big things happen at High Point market. Yeah, that's where, that's where everyone is, and that's where all the big publishers are, and, you know, all those kinds of opportunities. So now you're

Kate Bendewald

making me feel a little bit of FOMO for not going this fall. I'm like, Oh, should I be there? I probably should be there.

Marisa Wilson

It's totally understandable, though. Like, travel makes it tricky, and even if you can come once a year, because, you know, it's twice a year, but if you can come once a year, I feel like, yeah, it's worth it.

Kate Bendewald

I appreciate that, because I definitely get FOMO quickly. And I'm like, Oh, God, what am I doing? I'm gonna change my plans. I'm gonna be there. Book a flight.

Marisa Wilson

I get a FOMO too, and we would love to have you, if you can make it happen.

Kate Bendewald

Yeah, I know October's Oh, it's like, October 1, and I'm already like, well, October's booked. So, yeah, okay, so off the cuff question. You want to reach out to salary and Emily and Bobby? How do you even dig out there? Do you just DM them on social media? Do you go to. Website, like, just fill out the generic form. How do you stalk these people and get and find them

Marisa Wilson

a lot of like, a PR person, a PR or marketing person back in the day? How did I do that? Yeah, I think I looked up Emily Henderson's website. Found her PR person, sent them an email, and I don't know why? They said, yes, it had not existed before, like it was like, brand new. Well, I think theme

Kate Bendewald

is so cool, unintended. Thank you. It makes you want to be a part of it. You're like, oh yeah, me, cool girl, okay, yeah,

Marisa Wilson

yeah, no, a lot of people say that. And I like, I, you know, I feel like, in that sense, I don't want anyone to feel like they're not like, they're not like it. All of us are cool girls, and we are in the club. You know what? I

Kate Bendewald

mean? That's right, that's right. Well, tell me this so I'm sharing with you. Oh shoot, I'm so busy I don't have time. You know, for me, I'm in Denver's at the time change to get there, it's, it's a whole day just to get there, right? It's not so it's investment, even though the event, the the market itself is doesn't cost money. There's the trip, the travel to get there, the hotel, the time away from work, the time away from my family. How do you as an interior designer, justify that investment in your money and your time each and every time the market is up. And how does that influence your business as a designer,

Marisa Wilson

it's so interesting. So I go and I have two personalities when I'm at market, because I have the designer person and, like the cool girls guy person. And so I spend, you know, I even created a product out of this. So that's a really important aspect. I mean, it's worth it to me to go and build those relationships. And the people who are now advertisers in my guide were people that I was using for projects or had started relationships with, or just people that I like, liked what they were doing, or thought their showroom was, like, totally amazing. Yeah, I don't know if you said last time was your first time

Kate Bendewald

at High Point. Yes, I've been telling kids, okay,

Marisa Wilson

yeah. Like when I went and again, it was like, very it was still in design school, just getting my business started. Didn't even know what I was doing at all. But I went there and it was like, what, there's this much amazing lighting and accessories and furniture and whatever, like, all in one place, or even just that it existed. I mean, I just felt like I didn't know about that kind of like product yet, but yeah, I think like for for your so I go as a as the cool Girls Guide, and that's very, you know, relationship building and attending events and making contacts with the showrooms and all of that. And then I have to flip my switch and be like, who am I sourcing for? Like, right now, like, you know, I have to have, like, my whole, like, other project side and like, kind of, see, you know, if there's any gaps or anything of like, types of accounts that I need so and it's hard to do those at the same time. I can try to overlap a little bit, but I really usually say the last day or two, that's less event heavy, yeah, and focus on my actual design work. But to your point, it's really, I mean, I don't know, you know, I'm lucky because I'm right down the street and I can get there, you know, by car, nice, which is, yeah, but, you know that's, we have a few places in town, but we don't have a big design center or something. So if you're wanting to really see products in person and understand about it, and therefore be able to communicate that with your client. You need to be going to all market if it's not high point, you know. But high point is the biggest, you know, sure, most well known international like people come from all over the globe, which is still funny, because high points this teeny tiny town, I feel,

Kate Bendewald

yeah, it's hard to imagine that town outside of market. And I just want to say, for those listening, if high point for you geographically, maybe if you're on the West Coast, and that feels like a big jump start with the Vegas market, because there's a yeah twice here as well. I highly recommend the January and not the July one, but they have although you would be inside most of the time, but that's another one that, oh yeah, and attend and a lot of I think what Marissa is going to share today about navigating a market, it's going to apply what for you, whether you're going to high point or whether you're going to the Vegas market. So just keep that in mind, yes, you've got options, and it's and while it is much smaller by comparison, it is still it's huge. And there's plenty to see and plenty to do at at the Vegas markets as well. So just, I think, for listeners who are in the same boat as me, where it's like just getting there for a full day, it takes full days, is kind of hard to keep that in mind. So I'm hearing, and I think this is a real important one, so I don't want to gloss over it that sit. And feeling and touching the quality of products in person, that is your job as an interior designer, to understand these products and how they feel and how they sit. And I will tell you there are some companies that I had accounts with, but I hadn't really sourced from them. And I'm not going to name names, but there were some, and this was, you know, when I went to Vegas market for the first time, and it looks cool, right? And then you go, and you sit on it, and you're like, This is garbage. It feels like cardboard box, like a cardboard box wrapped in velvet. And there's, you just wouldn't know that, unless you have the ability to sit in it. And I think if we're sourcing for for our clients, and we want to be able to stand behind the products that we're sourcing, understanding the quality and how things are made, having relationships with your reps, that is a real value that you get when you attend any of these markets, 100%

Marisa Wilson

for sure. Yes. So

Kate Bendewald

okay, so I see it from the standpoint of building relationships. I see it from the standpoint of learning about new vendors and what's out there, right? Because there's, there's so much out there, but also understanding the quality, right? Are really important investments in your business. So I want to, I want to hear from your, from you, your approach to navigating the market, right? Are you one of those folks who plans your market to a T and you know, kind of where you want to be when, for the whole thing? Do you wing it, or is it some combination of the two? How do you approach navigating the market and planning, planning for it,

Marisa Wilson

I like a 75% planned, maybe 25% open, because I do like to just, I in general, like to be able to go with the flow. So, you know, a lot of times I'll be like, Oh, I was going to go to that, but my friend wants to go to this thing, and I'd rather hang with her. Or, you know, I'm having fun. Let's do this instead. Or, you know, I hate it, but there are sometimes things I didn't know about. So I got, I've gotten all the info. People have sent me, all the things I've done, all the research. I've got the guide, and there's still, like, something cool that I didn't know that. So I will, you know, pivot if I need to and do that thing. But, yeah, even, you know, I've got my guide right here. Two. It just, it's publishing today. It's live on the website now. Well, this will be, you know, in a in a few weeks, but it'll be available. But there's two. I mean, even, like, I've got two pages of events I've curated it down to the best of the best, and it's still too much for anybody, until too so you have to pick which ones are most meaningful to you at this time, at this market and in your business. So you know, same thing with the vendors. So basically, you know, go through and see which events do I absolutely want to attend. And, you know, make space for and then you can kind of build your showrooms around that. Well, I'm going to be wherever, you know, at the, what do I have la Lloyd for the event on, you know, Saturday. So while I'm there, I'm going to look around at a few of the things that are in that space, after before, after something. Um, makes sense, but I'll try not to do it over. But sometimes it happens for the people who have never attended, yeah, it looks so fun on Instagram. It looks so Oh, they're just having the time of their lives, and it is 12 hour days back to back for six days straight, you know, like, depending on how long you're there. So it's so I tried to to leave a little bit of space for I've gotten better about sitting down for lunch, you know, yeah, and not like, grabbing, like, a handful of cheese and crackers on the way to the next thing. Or it's, you have to really think about this stuff, because it happen? It's just like, your day takes over, and then you haven't eaten anything, you haven't sat down. You're like, last time, I think I had my own body stuff going on. But, you know, three days in, I, like, had a horrible, like, back, lower back, like issue, and I ended up having to go. Luckily, they have a medical tent,

Unknown Speaker

yeah, sure. Like,

Marisa Wilson

take advantage of that. But yeah, it's just easy to push it too hard. If you're not used to walking, like, 10 miles a day or whatever. I don't know that might be an exaggerated, not sure. But like, it's, it's just, yeah, and you're not NES, you know, you might not be in the right shoes. You're trying to be cute, and you're like, not in the right shoes. And so, yeah, things happen. So I try to leave a little more space for downtime now, like, yeah, grabbing a coffee and sitting down and just like, relaxing for a second. And then going to the next thing. Yeah,

Kate Bendewald

that makes sense. We were only there for three full days, plus our two travel days. And I was like, I could. I literally could not do another day, because there's just information overload for me. Personally, I have ADHD so I could. I have to be careful of not getting overstimulated. I just thought it was like, I don't even think I would benefit from a fourth day. Now, that's me personally, so I think just think about yourself too, and your personality and what works, and if you've got the stamina for full six days, get after it girl. But yeah, if you're like, yeah, no, I'm more of a three day kind of, kind of gal, then know, know your limits, you will get plenty out of it. But there were definitely like, oh, there were some things, speakers and events that I knew I was going to miss out on, and I was I had to be okay with it. That's actually one of the things maybe we maybe skipped over with. My first question is, like justifying the investment and going it's not just learning about product, but there are speaking events every hour, all over the place where you're continuing education on everything from lighting to sourcing antiques to marketing and business development. I mean, every topic under the sun is also happening at the same time in these showrooms. So, yes,

Marisa Wilson

huge. It's, it's like a major like design conference, yeah, and they're like the industry experts across the globe, again, across the globe, like here, talking about the most relevant topics of today, like, yeah and yes, it's an investment. I mean, I always, I'm like, it's, it's like a free conference, but it's a lot, you you do spend a lot of money. And, you know, trans travel, yeah, but yeah, like, like, so much information. Like, it is very information overload, but if you can narrow it down to the topics you care about the most, you know right now, but I actually wrote down a few that are coming up for the fall that are, like, there's a tell me, there's several on AI this time, which I think is kind of interesting. You know, there's, you know, we met at the neuro esthetics panel. There's a couple more, like science and design. There's a whole day on Designing Spaces for neurodiversity, which is going to be like on the Friday. So that's, sounds very, very cool.

Marisa Wilson

We heard, it's clear the calendar, yeah, there's, like you said, several antique tours this time for all that, you know, antique and design Chelsea on green Odette, there's going to be some really fun ones. So, and then there's, you know, special lighting one several of the showrooms, who I haven't really noticed having a ton of events before, are hosting several education events that like sound really awesome. So it's it's very hard to choose. I'm not going to lie, even coming up with the calendar for the guide is kind of excruciating, because I want to be able to tell people about all the things, but I'm just trying to pick the very best. And there's like, hundreds, hundreds. Yeah,

Kate Bendewald

there really is. Are you ready to make 2024 your best year yet? Are you ready to stop flying by the seat of your pants and move into the new year with intention and clarity. If you're ready to escape the feast or famine cycle, don't miss my upcoming masterclass, the annual planning for interior designers workshop. This is the fourth year I'm hosting it, and it's going to be better than ever. Join me live on November 16 for this interactive, power packed workshop. The truth is, most successful interior designers are the ones who can cast their vision and then make a plan to get there. But that's not always easy to do on your own, and I want to help. I have dedicated my career to helping interior designers build thriving businesses, and I'm inviting you to join and Learn how you too can enjoy a business that supports you, personally, creatively and financially. We'll talk about the power of intention, how to set your intentions for the year and then put them at the center of decision making in your business. We'll take a look back at your past year and help identify opportunities for growth and improvements to refresh your business. I'll help you design your ideal year so you can build a business that supports not competes with your personal time, vacations, rest and play. I'll give you the tools to reverse engineer your revenue plan so you have clear strategic goals broken down into bite size and manageable pieces. And finally, we'll dial in on a marketing strategy that factors in your personality, budget and time into the equation. I want you to get in the right mindset so you can achieve the results you want in your interior design business. Get ready to design your year with intention. Head over to design. Oasis.com forward slash plan and register today. Again, that's designers, oasis.com forward slash plan and register today. Spots are limited, so don't wait. I can't wait to see you there. Let's talk for a second about getting there, right? We you. You have information like that in your guide, and there's so much on their actual website, which I think is a huge resource. Do you like to stay in town at one of the hotels? Or do you stay out of town? Where do you like to stay?

Marisa Wilson

So I have stayed a little bit outside of town, like in Lexington, it's a little more affordable, but it's more like a 30 minute drive in I know it's kind of at the same as if you stayed in Winston or Greensboro. It's kind of that 30 minute drive, which is, doesn't sound bad until it's like, day four or whatever, and you're like, Yeah, I could see that. So, you know, I've done, like, Airbnbs with people. We've done that before, and that's really nice, because then you have a kitchen and you can, you know, kind of spread out a little more last time. And, and this coming up, one I have, like, a hotel right down the street that's on the shuttle route. So High Point market actually provides a shuttle to certain, like, within a certain, you know, distance. And that was super convenient, I felt for the last time. So it's like a ridiculous amount of money to pay for, like, a Holiday Inn or whatever it is, you know, but this is not a luxury situation. It's fine. It's nice.

Kate Bendewald

I have to say that was one thing you're thinking about the investment. I'm like, wait, you want me to spend how much money on a what? Yeah, Hampton Inn, okay, yes,

Marisa Wilson

exactly right. You're paying for the convenience. You're paying for the 10 minute shuttle that comes and picks you up. You know,

Kate Bendewald

it's true, staying on the shuttle was extremely convenient. And we got, we stayed at one of the Hampton inns, and it was and it was fine. It was Clayton. They had a little, you know, breakfast bar, as they always do, but then you get to meet other designers who are hanging out waiting to hop on the same shuttle. I met Elmo at this firecracker of a woman. I still text with her from time to time, but she is a veteran High Point attender, attendee, attender, whatever. Hosting a podcast, but he can't talk. She was adorable, but the first thing she did, she was just the kind of people you meet there are so lovely, I think. And we hopped off the shuttle together. She knew it was my first time. She pointed me in the right direction. She was like, but before you go, you gotta come over here and get your they have the battery packs that you can grab, and they're slim, and you pop them in your purse, and it keeps your phone charged while you're there. And I was like, this is like a pro tip that nobody would have told me about if I hadn't known and so we got this at the little kiosk right when you get right when you get off the shuttle. Add this to your guide before you publish it. You're right. When you get off the shuttle, there's the little kiosk information kiosk, and you ask her battery pack, and if you get there early enough, they usually have some but if not, there's other kiosks where you can find them, and they're real slim, and it works for most typical phones. And then you go inside and grab your badge, and she showed me where to go. So it's the people that you meet, especially if you stay in these hotels, that seem exorbitant for what they are. Yeah, you're going to be embedded with the community of other designers. You can meet really cool people. So that's one of the reasons I think staying there would be, would be beneficial, especially if you're going solo, which can be a little intimidating,

Marisa Wilson

yes, yeah. And you have to do it, you know, ahead of time. So book now for, like, spring 90, like, it's very, it's very booked up, so you know, know what you want, and then do it very far in advance. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Any

Kate Bendewald

other tips for navigating or for first time attendees? I want to get into asking you about specific showrooms and where you would recommend, but starting starting with those tips. What? What do you have for just once you're there? How do you make the most of your time?

Marisa Wilson

Yes, so you know, you've got your schedule, you've got your events. When you're looking at showrooms, you want to try to be organized. I mean, this is so obvious, but then I still forget, because you get caught up in the moment of what you're seeing. So you want to make sure you like, know which show your room you're in, so you've either taken, like a photo of it before you go in, or you've, you know, I'm kind of, I'm sad to admit this, I'm kind of new to the notes adding notes to photos, but I feel like that would be a good way to,

Kate Bendewald

I know that's a recent discovery of mine, and I'm like, Oh my God, yes. It's a game changer.

Marisa Wilson

Yes. Game Changer. Yeah. So you can, you know, as long as you can keep track of where you saw what, yeah, otherwise, you're

Kate Bendewald

going into a showroom before you go in, take a picture of the logo up in front. So that when you and create an album on your phone of, okay, high point, 2024, so that when you go back and you look at this picture, like, Oh yes, I remember that bed that I love so much, and then you find a photo of, if you're like shit where was, yes,

Marisa Wilson

exactly, if you,

Kate Bendewald

I know, if you take a picture of the showroom before you go in, you'll have a better chance of being able to relocate that. So that's, that's huge, for sure. Yeah. Also, the insiders tours are great, have you, I don't have you hosted one of those before or love I have not hosted.

Marisa Wilson

I hosted a hotspot tour last time, but my friend Rashida, who I think, was just

Kate Bendewald

on the podcast. Rashida was just on the podcast. Oh my gosh. I love that girl.

Marisa Wilson

She's so awesome. She's an insider. She's an editor again, I think, yeah, so

Kate Bendewald

real quick, I insiders tours are specifically designed for either first time or I haven't been in forever, attendees, and it's free, and there's a whole bunch of people that either do half day or full day. So you can apply for those, and then if, if they're not full and you have never attended, there's a good chance that you'll get in. So check out those, because they're going to give you an agenda for a full day and take you to different showrooms. You meet other designers, you are fed, you are well taken care of. You don't have to go it alone, and then you can spend the rest of your time hanging out with your new friends. So I highly recommend the insiders tour. Now tell us about the hot spots tours.

Marisa Wilson

So those are a little shorter, so they're, I think you go to three or four showrooms. It's 930 to 11, I think Saturday, Sunday, Monday, maybe even Tuesday. And they have, you know, they're themed, so there's like lighting or vintage and antique, or like textiles, or like something, you know. So they have selected designers, who are you can? You have to RSVP for those because it's small group. It's like 15, around 15 or less. But you meet at the point, and then they take you to, you know, a couple of their favorite showrooms. And you get to, usually, meet, you know, someone at the company that represents it, or, like, the if it's an art you know, I did an art and accessory tour last time. So, like my people got to meet artists, you know, that were, like, on the tour. So, yeah, those are really fun. And, like, a little shorter than the insiders. So if you, and if you don't get into an insider store, maybe you could do, you know, whatever. And

Kate Bendewald

anybody go to the hot spots? Or do you have to be a first time attendee?

Marisa Wilson

No, no, anyone can do that? Yeah, anybody at all? But you do have to, RSVP, got it? Okay?

Kate Bendewald

And all of that is on, is on the website. Cool, I think those are really great options for having a little bit of structure to your day and a great way to meet people, especially if you're flying solo. Cool, talk to me about networking at High Point, how I know that this is a major opportunity for for you? Do you have any strategies for making those meaningful connections with either brands or with fellow attendees? Yes.

Marisa Wilson

So I'm an introvert, so sometimes this is, you know, a stretch for me, but you have to not be shy. I'll say so. And like people who were there are very open to meeting you, and I'm speaking of especially like, I feel like, if you go to a panel or an educational event or the social events, and there's someone there that you have a design crush on, or whatever, you can actually meet them, and they're happy to meet you. So, you know, a lot of times, you know, after a panel or whatever, you'll, you know, you can go up and introduce yourself and say a little something. I mean, that's how you make the connections. And you're in the room. That's why you're in the room with the people you know. You're in the room with these publishers and, you know, very experienced designers, people that have opportunities and just can't be shy about going up and saying something afterwards. So I think that's, you know, that's it, but like you, but then going to the event, that's why it's very strategic about which events you're attending. If there's, you know, someone who's doing something you want to be doing, you can also learn from them. And just Yeah, even if you're in, like, the antikin Design Center and you're like, meeting vendors or whatever and talking to them, that might be someone who can look out for a piece for you, or, you know, like you have, like, building that relationship. But yeah, yeah.

Kate Bendewald

Don't be shy. Just go Yes. People are just, you know, I met John McClain there, who's a fellow podcast host, and it's funny, he said to me, he's like, You look familiar. And I was like, I have nobody. And my friend, I think, you know, she from the podcast. Oh, really. Okay. I ended up talking to him. He is adorable. I love. Him. And he was actually a speaker at my summit that we had back in September. So we, you know, again. And he signed my here. I am like, fan. I'm like, can we sign my book, you know? And he did. And then it's, you're right. People are just so much more warm and open to meeting you, and you just really can't overthink it. I'm talking to myself.

Marisa Wilson

No, I know I get that way too, but that's what you gotta do. You just gotta go up and do it. And I haven't ever had anyone you know be rude or mean or say get out of here, which is what our brain is

Kate Bendewald

like. I know. Why do we do that to ourselves? We're Yeah, I don't know. So what are you looking forward to the most this upcoming market.

Marisa Wilson

I'm really excited about some of the events that are going on. There are, see, I mean,

Marisa Wilson

I'm definitely doing some of the antique tours, like, that's, that's my love. I love, love, love, love, like vintage and so, you know, I like going through with people who like I I'm not necessarily the expert on what period is that from, or whatever. I just, you know, really enjoy it. So I'm totally planning on participating in some of those. I think this is Bell bib to Beau. Is the concert on, I think it's Sunday. On Sunday, yeah? And I'm like, really excited. I usually can't make time for the or No, it's not that I don't make time. The concerts are at the end of the day, after I've been there a few days, and I usually can't hack it anymore. Yeah. But I I am, like, holding out for Belle bib DeVoe this time. I am, like, super pumped about that. That's exciting. You're like, pace yourself. Marissa, yes, pace yourself. It's a big night. We've got a concert tonight. Yeah, I don't know. I think that it's a really good lineup. It's going to be really fun. I'm hoping we have great weather. It's a little bit later than it usually is. It's a couple weeks later. So I'm I'm hoping it's not going to be like boiling hot, and that you can actually wear a jacket that would be nice, like, it feels like fall. That would be cool. Yeah,

Kate Bendewald

exactly. That's Well, that's wonderful. I love that. Well. So the cool Girls Guide, high point is out now, where can people find this guide. How do people find you? So

Marisa Wilson

it's available on the high point Market website. And she just told me where it was going to be. I think it's available from guides and in the new buyer tips,

Kate Bendewald

yep, um. Marissa Wilson interiors.com, and get it right.

Marisa Wilson

Yes, it's yes. So it's available there I was getting there. It's also available on Marisa, Wilson terriers.com and also high point market guide.com forwards to that. So any of the, any of those, I will be linking it on Instagram as well at the cool goal, cool Girls Guide, HP, MKT is the handle for the guide, and so

Kate Bendewald

we will be sure to link to all of that in our show notes. Marisa, before we go, what's next for you? Are you gonna keep pumping these out? Do you still have Do you ever think about other markets or what do you what's next for you?

Marisa Wilson

Yes, I will keep doing it for high point. I love it. I have a great relationship with them. We are very collaborative. It's It's again, easy for me, because I'm closer, closer by than other people, but I am definitely excited about expanding the guide to other markets. So I don't know which one's going to be next, but that is definitely the plan. So wonderful.

Kate Bendewald

I love it. I love it so much. Well, Marissa, I thank you so much for your time. Today. You're a delight and a joy. And this guide that you know was just a little four page document before, it has now become a tool that helps hundreds, if not 1000s, of designers. It has helped you forge all kinds of relationships, and we're so grateful that you took this idea and turned it into something real and tangible. So thank you.

Marisa Wilson

Thank you.

Kate Bendewald

Awesome. All right, we'll talk to you all soon. Bye, for now. Okay,

Marisa Wilson


Kate Bendewald

hey friend. Thank you so much for letting me spend a part of this day with you. I'm so passionate about helping designers like you and I believe in a rising tide, that when one of us does well, we all do better. So if you share this attitude of abundance with me, I want you to do just one little thing. Please share this episode with someone using might love it. And if you're feeling extra generous today, go ahead and take just 30 seconds to open your podcast app and leave us a five star rating and review. It's free for you to do, and it helps me to be able to keep making more episodes and resources for you. However you choose to help, please know I appreciate you so very much. Thank. My friend, have a wonderful rest of your day. I'll see you soon. You.


# 94 | Diversifying Your Interior Design Portfolio with Dan Mazzarini