# 86 | Big Thinking to Create an Extraordinary Interior Design Business with Andrea Liebross

big thinking with andrea liebross

"When you're stuck in your own peanut butter jar, you can't read the label, like you can't get out. So you've got to have someone that's going to kind of read the label, and help you see possibilities." - Andrea Liebross

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In today's episode, I am joined by Andrea Liebross, a dynamic business and life coach who specializes in empowering unapologetically ambitious women entrepreneurs. Andrea is not only a seasoned speaker but also the insightful host of the Time to Level Up podcast.

With a unique approach, Andrea guides her clients to merge Big Thinking with robust systems, creating a powerful synergy that propels them toward success. Her mission is to help women entrepreneurs not only achieve their goals but also unlock the freedom of time, money, and energy they passionately seek.

In September 2023, Andrea achieved a remarkable milestone by releasing a best-selling book, "She Thinks Big: The Entrepreneurial Woman’s Guide to Moving Past the Messy Middle and into the Extraordinary," accompanied by a transformative workbook. Through her work, Andrea has become a beacon of inspiration for those navigating the challenges of entrepreneurship, offering practical insights and strategies to navigate the journey from uncertainty to extraordinary success.

Exploring Big Thinking

There are a few keys to being a big thinker that are universal. The ability to access future you and notice thought options is key. Other aspects of thinking big include being able to notice negative feelings, acknowledge them, and then make a plan to solve or change them. Being able to recognize when you're stuck in passive action (such as research or other work that isn't really moving the needle) is a key factor in being able to move forward with big thinking.

The Frenemy Voice

The frenemy voice is that little voice in the back of your head that thinks you're being very helpful and keeping you safe and on track. This voice feeds us feedback based on the past. Being able to have the real you stand up and push against this voice helps you acknowledge it and make more positive progress in your business.

The Balancing Act

Everybody has heard of SMART goals but taking things a step further and creating WILD goals is how Andrea balances strategic planning and success. Wild goals are goals that you are:

  • W - Willing to accept they won't work out

  • I - Ignite You

  • L - Let it Be Easy

  • D - Do it for fun

Simplicity when Needed

Diving into a project, researching and feeling like there are 16,000 steps can easily become overwhelming but when we step back and look at the simplest way to get from point A to point B, we can often simplify our strategies, goals, and decrease our stress.

Thinking Big requires us to be willing to reframe our mindset, find the simplest solution, not overthink, and still reach for WILD goals. Grab Andrea's book, She Thinks Big to dive into how to move the needle in your business without feeling like you're always stuck in the messy middle.

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